2,300 almanos and 6,800 yesomim
live these words every day of the year.
Yom Tov is the hardest time of the year for a fatherless family. Who will lead the seudos and create the Yom Tov excitement? Who will shlug kapparos and bentch the children before Yom Kippur? Who will build the sukkah and buy arba minim?
When there’s no Tatty to bring them simchas Yom Tov Nachzik Chazak fills the void.
Throughout the year, an almanah works incredibly hard to both raise her family and bring in income. Come Tishrei, there’s often no way for her to meet the extra expenses of Yom Tov. At Nachzik Chazak, we understand the needs of almanos and yesomim. The loneliness. The need to have someone to lean on. And also, the desire to hold their heads high, to feel not like “nebachs” but like the heroes that they are.
Let’s give these heroes a new year filled with sweetness and joy.
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"חמול עלינו ועל עוללנו וטפינו"
As we daven this Yom HaDin for a good year for our own families, let’s bring simcha to Hashem’s
For almanos, simchas Purim doesn’t come easily. Throughout the year, these heroic women hold themselves and their families together while managing to hold their heads up high and put on a smile for the world. But come Purim, it’s just so hard. Who will watch the kids so she can go hear megillah? Who will bring the children to deliver mishloach manos? Most of all, who will dance, sing, lead the seudah, and create the special Purim joy?