Section 1

So that no widow or orphan

should ever feel alone.

Our Ongoing Projects

When there’s no Tatty at home

Nachzik Chazak


I was even able to feel simcha!
The special Seudas Hayeshuos is signature Nachzik Chazak.  It’s all about giving kavod to the widows.  The feeling of respect and the simcha in the hall I was even able to feel simcha!

Tishrei Projects:

When there’s no Tatty to

build a Sukkah a Sukkah a Sukkah

Nachzik Chazak picks up the hammer.

Building them a Yom Tov of joy, enveloped in love and care.

You’re the light in the darkness
Every small repair makes an immeasurable impact! Thank you for always giving with such sensitivity, understanding and with an open heart and hand. You’re truly the light in the darkness for fatherless families.

Chanukah Projects:

When there’s no Abba to

light up the darkness the darkness the darkness

Nachzik Chazak strikes the match.

Bringing light into their homes and a glow in their hearts.

Completely turns around my Purim!
The special Seudas Hayeshuos is signature Nachzik Chazak.  It’s all about giving kavod to the widows.  The feeling of respect and the simcha in the hall completely turns around my Purim!

Purim Projects:

When there’s no father to

create the simcha the simcha the simcha

Nachzik Chazak puts the smile on their faces

Lifting the spirits of yesomim and giving almanos a Purim fit for a queen

I was even able to feel simcha!
It was only in your zechus that I was able to make Pesach, host my children, and even feel simcha during the chag! Your support is what enables me to be a happy, calm mother to my children, as I try to fill in the deep hole in their lives.

Pesach Projects:

When there’s no husband to

help make Pesach make Pesach make Pesach

Nachzik Chazak does the job

Giving her a Pesach that’s kosher and sameach.

Like a big hug!
I don’t know where to start thanking you. We enjoyed the yummy, plentiful food and the stunning bouquet of flowers; above all we felt enveloped in love, care and pampering. It was like receiving a big hug!

Shavuos Projects:

Shavuos Projects:

When there’s no Abba to

to teach his son Torah

teach his son Torah Torah Torah

Nachzik Chazak takes on the tafkid

Ensuring the boy grows to give nachas to his father – and Father – in Shamayim

So that no widow or orphan

should ever feel alone.

When there’s no Tatty at home

Nachzik Chazak


So that no widow or orphan should ever feel alone.

Our Ongoing Projects

Sponsorship Opportunities

“אם אתה משמח את שלי, אני משמח את שלך

If you bring joy to Mine, I’ll bring joy to yours.”

 Take advantage of Hashem’s powerful promise, by giving desperately needed support to widows and orphans. 

They’ve been through so much; let’s show them they can count on us to lighten their burden.


Set of DALE”T MINIM for orphans


Buy a Stroller and Layette for a Newborn Orphan


Buy Furniture for an Orphaned Family


Buy a Hot Water Boiler


Buy a Fridge


Sponsor a Widow’s Household Repairs for a Year
Home Repairs
Yom Tov Food Packages
Assistance Programs Yearly

When there’s no Tatte to ask the
"Mah Nishtanah" to…

It’s up to US to answer their questions.

When more than money is needed:A Nachzik Chazak steps in with hands-on support.

For an almanah, the challenge of making Pesach is not just how she will pay for it all. 
Throughout the year, these heroic women hold themselves and their families together while managing to hold their heads up high. 
But make Pesach alone?  With little children at home? 
At Nachzik Chazak, we understand the unique challenges faced by widows and orphans.
That’s why we’ve developed our special Pesach assistance program.

2,300 almanos and 6,800 yesomim live these words every day of the year.