We can’t replace a husband and father.

But we can try to fill the void.

We can’t replace a husband and father.

But we can try to fill the void.

Nachzik Chazak.
Providing simcha and support
to widows and orphans.

For almanos, simchas Purim doesn’t come easily.  
Throughout the year, these heroic women hold themselves and their families together while managing to hold their heads up high and put on a smile for the world. 
But come Purim, it’s just so hard.
Who will watch the kids so she can go hear megillah?
Who will bring the children to deliver mishloach manos?
Most of all, who will dance, sing, lead the seudah, and create the special Purim joy?

Let’s give them a Purim
fit for a queen.

Nachzik Chazak’s Seudat Hayeshuot:
A majestic Purim seudah for widows and orphans

Each year, Nachzik Chazak runs two huge Purim night events for widows and orphans, one in Bnei Brak and one in Yerushalayim.  Each Seudat Hayeshuot hosts over a thousand women and children, bringing them lively Purim simcha as they celebrate together with other families who understand what they’re going through.

The special seudah features:

Purim Seudah


Matanos L’Evyonim

distribution to those in need

Mishloach Manos and gifts

for all participants

Magic shows

and entertainment for children

Megillah reading

for mothers

With the participation of Rav Elimelech Biderman!

X4 your Matanos L’Evyonim impact!

Get Your Name in Their Special Tefillah!

"שמע אשמע צעקתו"

The Torah tells us explicitly that Hashem, the Avi Yesomin V’Dayan Almanos, listens carefully to the prayers and cries of widows.

These special women will be gathering for two moving tefillos over Taanis Esther and Purim – days that our holy sources tell us are uniquely powerful times for tefillah.

On Taanis Esther: The Tefillas Almanos in Meron

On Purim:  The Tefillas HaYeshuos – special tefillah by the almanos at the Nachzik Chazak Purim seudah.  Astounding yeshuos have emerged from this tefillah each year!

 Out of their gratitude for your support, they will be including the names of donors ($72 and over).

Donation Opportunities

All Matanos L’Evyonim distributed bo bayom.

One-of-a-kind opportunity

A mezuzah from
Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l

As a strong supporter of Nachzik Chazak, Rav Chaim presented us with mezuzos infused with his bracha, to gift certain special donors.

We only have a few remaining.


Your Mitzvah!


Provide one family with all four of their mitzvos hayom:

Entitles you to 10 names in the Tefillas Almanos and Seudas HaYeshuos!


Matanos Le’evyonim for one person

Submit one name for tefillah


Seudas Purim for one person

Submit three names for tefillah


Provide 3 families with all four mitzvos hayom!

Entitles you to 10 names in the Tefillas Almanos and Seudas HaYeshuos!

Psak halacha from Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l a month before his petira:

“By supporting the Seudas Purim for almanos and yesomim of Nachzik Chazak, one fulfills his obligation of Matanos L’Evyonim in the most mehudar way, as the Rambam writes (Megillah 2:17), ‘There is no greater simcha than gladdening the hearts of almanos and yesomim.’

“Anyone who donates Matanos L’Evyonim bo bayom for the Seudas Purim and Mishloach Manos for almanos will be zocheh, middah k’negged middah, not to experience tragedy in his own home.”

About Nachzik Chazak

Nachzik Chazak is a 24-hour hotline for widows and orphans, giving them hands-on assistance and support.  When the fridge breaks, when a drain is blocked, when the heat is broken and the kids lack winter coats – these families know they can call us.  Whether home repairs, Yom Tov packages and assistance, gifts or support, we’re here to ensure widows and orphans know they’re not alone.  
When the loss of a husband and father is felt most, that’s when Nachzik Chazak steps in.

Do you want to know what we did with your donation?

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Please leave details and we will get back to you as soon as possible

When there’s no Tatte to ask the
"Mah Nishtanah" to…

It’s up to US to answer their questions.

When more than money is needed:A Nachzik Chazak steps in with hands-on support.

For an almanah, the challenge of making Pesach is not just how she will pay for it all. 
Throughout the year, these heroic women hold themselves and their families together while managing to hold their heads up high. 
But make Pesach alone?  With little children at home? 
At Nachzik Chazak, we understand the unique challenges faced by widows and orphans.
That’s why we’ve developed our special Pesach assistance program.

2,300 almanos and 6,800 yesomim live these words every day of the year.