We can’t replace their father.

But Nachzik Chazak will always be there

when they need it most.

Nachik Chazak.
Providing simcha and support to widows and orphans.

As an almanah, she has her own four questions to ask:

Who will kasher my kitchen for Pesach?

Who will take the kids out on Erev Bedikas Chametz so I can finish cleaning?

Who will lead our seder, search for the afikomen and give the kids their presents?

How will I feel like a queen and my children like princes at our seder table… when our husband and father’s seat is empty?

When there’s no Tatte to ask the
"Mah Nishtanah" to…
It’s up to US to answer their questions. .

When more than money is needed:
A Nachzik Chazak steps in with hands-on support.

For an almanah, the challenge of making Pesach is not just how she will pay for it all. 

Throughout the year, these heroic women hold themselves and their families together while managing to hold their heads up high. 

But make Pesach alone?  With little children at home? 

At Nachzik Chazak, we understand the unique challenges faced by widows and orphans.

That’s why we’ve developed our special Pesach assistance program.

Beautiful seder plate

delivered to every family. So that we can take one thing off their “plate,” while adorning their seder table like a queen’s.

Afikoman Presents

No, we can’t replace their father’s loving search for the afikomen.  But we provide every child in the family with an exciting, lavish afikomen present – so that they, too, can experience the joy of yom tov.

Kitchen Kashering

We send volunteers to their homes to do the koshering jobs that their husbands used to, and make their kitchens fully ready for Pesach.

Major Erev Bedikas Chametz extravaganza

Children look forward all year to our spectacular pre-Pesach day of fun and entertainment. We rent out an amusement park or other exciting attraction, and give the orphans a day to remember – while their mothers can clean with peace of mind. Includes transportation and exciting gifts and prizes.

Kimcha D’Pischa

We provide food packages with all of their yom tov needs: meat, chicken, fish, matzos, etc.  In addition, we sponsor catered meals or hotel stays for orphaned families who are unable to make Pesach. 

All food goes to needy families of widows and orphans – Kimcha D’pischa l’mehadrin!

Clothing Vouchers

Widows receive vouchers to outfit their family for yom tov in the most mechubad way possible.  The specially designed store vouchers look exactly like credit cards, so she can make her purchases with her head high – not like a nebach, but like the hero that she is.

Because it’s up to us to be there to help them when they need it most.

"ושמחת בחגך אתה ובנך ובתך ועבדך ואמתך והלוי והגר והיתום והאלמנה אשר בשעריך"

דברים ט"ז, י"ד

"וכשהוא אוכל ושותה חייב להאכיל לגר ליתום ולאלמנה"

Supporting widows and orphans is part of our Torah mitzvah of simchas yom tov! 

Rambam, Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov

Donation Opportunities

One-of-a-kind opportunity

A mezuzah from
Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l

As a strong supporter of Nachzik Chazak, Rav Chaim presented us with mezuzos infused with his bracha, to gift certain special donors.

We only have a few remaining.

Please give us your mailing address to receive your mezuzah.


Pre-Pesach amusement park for one child


Akikoman present for one child


Yom Tov clothing for a widow


Afikoman present for a family of orphans


Kitchen Kashering and Home Repairs for one family

Rav Chaim's Assurance

Hashem will repay those who donate on behalf of widows and orphans middah k’negged middah, and they will be zocheh to see the fulfillment of the pasuk written in the mezuzah:

“למען ירבו ימיכם וימי בניכם”

that they and their children will be blessed with long life.

About Nachzik Chazak

Nachzik Chazak is a 24-hour hotline for widows and orphans, giving them hands-on assistance and support.  When the fridge breaks, when a drain is blocked, when the heat is broken and the kids lack winter coats – these families know they can call us.  Whether home repairs, Yom Tov packages and assistance, gifts or support, we’re here to ensure widows and orphans know they’re not alone.  

When the loss of a husband and father is felt most, that’s when Nachzik Chazak steps in.

Do you want to know what we did with your donation?

Leave your phone and we will get back to you

Extraordinary opportunity!

Bring the Bracha of Gedolim into Your Home!

A mezuzah from Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l

A Silver Kiddush Cup from Rav Shimon Galai shlit”a

Exclusive for Nachzik Chazak donors!

When there’s no Tatte to ask the
"Mah Nishtanah" to…

It’s up to US to answer their questions.

When more than money is needed:A Nachzik Chazak steps in with hands-on support.

For an almanah, the challenge of making Pesach is not just how she will pay for it all. 
Throughout the year, these heroic women hold themselves and their families together while managing to hold their heads up high. 
But make Pesach alone?  With little children at home? 
At Nachzik Chazak, we understand the unique challenges faced by widows and orphans.
That’s why we’ve developed our special Pesach assistance program.

2,300 almanos and 6,800 yesomim live these words every day of the year.